Type: Main Battle Tank
Crew: 4

Weapon Ra DM FE AP Misc Points
Cannon - Heavy 4" 3 3 2 Infantry automatically pinned, Blast 5
General Purpose MG 4" 3 3 0
Heavy MG 4" 4 2 0


Advanced Targeting System: Vehicles with advanced targeting systems add +2 to all Fire Effect rolls against other vehicles and hard targets (bunkers, buildings, etc).
Smoke: Any vehicle equipped with smoke may lay down one smoke screen per game. Follow the rules for Smoke Grenades, except that the two points which mark the ends of the smoke screen can be placed anywhere the vehicle can see to shoot. As with infantry squads, the vehicle can Shoot (lay down the smoke) before they Move.
Weapon Stabilizer: Vehicles with stabilized main weapons may fire when moving at standard speeds. All other modifiers apply as usual.

Total Points: 139

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