1200px HW2 Decimus

Weapon Ra DM FE AP Misc Points
Grenade Launcher 5" / 10" 2 0 1 +1D6 Fire Effect 228


Aggressive: When an aggressive unit marked as Under Fire is activated, if it chooses to move it must be towards the enemy. Any Command Response limitations are ignored.
Assault Troops: +2 to all Close Assaults.
Berserk: A squad with this trait will ignore the effects of being Under Fire or Pinned if they activate within close assault range of an enemy unit.

However they must charge into hand-to-hand combat with the nearest enemy unit, and receive a +2 to their Close Assault.
Resilient (3): Gain 3 wounds, each "wound" looses one point, each "kill" looses two
Save: Squads with this trait roll 1d6 for every hit they suffer. On a result of 5+ the hit is negated.

NOTE: Power Armour Troopers can only make one save in close combat.
Shock Troops: Shock Troops add +1 to all Close Assaults.
Villain: This trait may only be applied to a single figure. Any time a Villain is killed, leave the figure on the table. It remains in this state for the remainder of this turn. During the next turn, the owning player may activate this figure. Roll 1d6. If the result is 5+ the Villain was really only stunned. He climbs back to his feet and may return to battle immediately. If the result was less than 5, the Villain is truly dead and is removed from the table, never to be seen again. Or will he? :)

Total Points: 228

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