Riptide Batlesuit (Tau)
Type: Walker
Crew: 1
Weapon | Ra | DM | FE | AP | Misc | Points | Chain Gun - Heavy | 4" | 2 | 7 | 0 | Missile Launcher | 4" | 2 | 1 | 3 | Can fire HE (Blast 3, 0 AP) or AP (Blast 0, 3 AP) |
Close - In Defense System: Only fully armoured and enclosed vehicles may take this upgrade which launches a canister shot a few meters above the vehicle before it detonates. The resultant blast does no harm to the vehicle, but any troops nearby will be targeted.
Treat this as a Blast Weapon with a radius of 4” centered on the vehicle. Any unit within this radius will be hit by the blast. For each unit affected, work out any potential casualties by continuing with the rules to Determine Strike Effect.
Energy screen: Vehicles with this trait roll 1d6 for every hit they suffer. On a result of 5+ the hit is negated.
Reactive Armour: The armour of this vehicle is designer to disrupt the energy of anti-tank weapons. When a vehicle with reactive armour is fired upon by a weapon with an AP of 1 or greater, the player who owns the vehicle can choose to force the attacker to re-roll his damage dice.
Supercharged: The vehicle adds +4" to Cautious and Standard movement rates.
Total Points: 126